Aka Bahia grass, Paraguay paspalum. Used as permanent forage for intensively grazed pastures and as a stable drought-resistant, ground cover/soil binder, particularly in traffic and shaded areas. Suitable for agroforestry. Recommended more for beef than for milk production. If well fertilized and vigorous it can make useful hay. P. notatum is commonly found on sandy or light textured soils over its native and naturalised range, and sometimes extends onto clays. While preferring fertile soils, it can maintain dense stands on infertile soils. It grows on soils with pH of 5.5-6.5. Responds well to nitrogen fertilizer. Rainfall in its native habitat mostly ranges from 700-1,500 mm year. It is generally sown in areas with a well-distributed Annual&description=true">Annual rainfall from about 900-1,500 mm, but can be used at up to 2,500 mm. It is very drought tolerant by virtue of its deep root system, and is fairly tolerant of flooding, surviving over 30 days of inundation. Optimum temperature for germination is 30-35°C, for growth 25-30°C, and for tillering, 20-25°C. Little growth occurs in the cooler months. Tops are burnt off by frost, and are killed when temperatures fall below -10° to -12°C. Bahia grass is moderately tolerant of reduced light. Botanical Name: Paspalum notatum. Application: Turf / Forage. Sun Type: Full sun. Plant Type: perennial. Sowing Time: Sept - March. Seeding Rate: 15g per square metre.